Meet The Team

Sam Orlando
Sam Orlando is a young person with a wealth of life experiences. A musician, Sam spends his time away from Breaking Through in the studio. When he isn't reporting news or making music, Sam can be found advocating for civil liberties issues across the United States. Sam is the Assistant Editor and a Senior Reporter with Breaking Through News. Sam leads the news team in their day to day activities, and he helps determine which stories are covered. Sam is also the CEO of a tech startup which provides a digital marketplace where attorneys and people who need them can meet and transact legal business. Sam has a keen interest in civil rights, science and technology, and business.

Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips loves relating the news to his readers. Mike, who goes by "Mikey" at the office, has lead activist groups in protest activities across the country. Mike was embedded with police accountability protestors during 2021/2022, and he face arrest and persecution, even as a member of the media. Mike was charged in both Illinois and Virginia for simply being at protests. In Illinois, Mike was found NOT GUILTY by a jury of his peers. In Virginia, Mike was found NOT GUILTY by a Judge. In both cases, Mike stood up for the rights of journalists and protestors across the United States.

Bonnie Chapman
Bonnie Chapman is no stranger to the media, she grew up as a child star on A&E's Dog the Bounty Hunter as a child, then later appeared in, served as a producer for CMT's Dog and Beth: On the Hunt Bonnie is an artist in addition to being a producer, and is a nationally renowned makeup artist. As the child of celebrities growing up in Hawaii, Bonnie was always passionate about social justice and insuring that she was able to give back to the community with her work. Bonnie specializes in long form stories that seek to convey the emotion and facts in a way that permits all readers to approach her stories with an open mind.

Ismael Barrios
Ismael Barrios was always a young man who asked questions. Ish isn't content with just accepting what is told to him, and this natural curiosity makes Ish an incredible reporter. Ish is bi-lingual, and has a passion for telling stories that affect real people. Ish knows that social change comes from reaching everyday people, and he knows that most Americans are rejecting traditional news and media outlets. Ish isn't interested in finding friends or favor from the people and companies he investigates, he finds the truth. Often, the truth challenges even his understandings of life and other people. We are all enriched from those experiences when we take the opportunity to read the stories he writes.