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  • Writer's pictureSam Orlando

Breaking: Augusta County Commissioner of Revenue, Jean Shrewsbury, Announces Unexpected Retirement

Written by: Sam Orlando

Augusta County, VA - In a surprising turn of events, Jean Shrewsbury, the seven-term Augusta County Commissioner of Revenue, announced today that she would not seek re-election in November. This news comes despite Shrewsbury's announcement of her candidacy at a Republican meeting in January, where she had assured supporters and associates of her intentions to run for re-election.

Shrewsbury cites her mother's declining health as the reason for her sudden change of plans, stating, "I cannot carry out the level of requirements for this job and be available for mom at this stage of life." She plans to complete her current term, which runs through the remainder of 2023.

The West Virginia native, a graduate of Concord College and a certified public accountant, has held the position of Commissioner of the Revenue for nearly three decades. "I have loved this job. I have loved the diverse areas and becoming an expert in the administration of taxes and helping people," Shrewsbury said.

However, Shrewsbury's tenure has not been without controversy. Her office faced significant public backlash and costly litigation when it was discovered that employees used Hitler emojis to describe local taxpayers and immigrants in internal email communications. When asked about these inconsistencies and her sudden decision to not seek re-election, Shrewsbury refused to comment on the matter to Breaking Through News.

As the county prepares for the upcoming election, it remains to be seen who will step forward to fill the void left by Shrewsbury's unexpected retirement.

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