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  • Writer's pictureSam Orlando

The Road to Nowhere: Augusta County Couple Files Suit Over "Luxury" RV Nightmare

Written by: Sam Orlando

Richmond, VA — Imagine buying your dream RV for $77,082.15, expecting a life of adventure and relaxation on the open road, only to end up with a comedy of errors right out of a sitcom. But this is no laughing matter for Robert and Janice Burns of Augusta County, Virginia, who are now suing Keystone RV Company and Camping World RV Sales in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

The couple claims a range of defects in their newly purchased 2021 Keystone Cougar, from a faulty front awning and a cracked shower floor to non-functioning heated seats and a propane gauge that gave up the ghost. But wait, there's more. The RV was not just suffering from factory-made defects; it also accrued new issues courtesy of Camping World's repair attempts. Think screws from the replacement theater seats piercing through the RV's floor, a feature not advertised in the brochure.

False Advertising, Anyone?

The Burns are not just upset about the malfunctioning components; they are also fuming over alleged false advertising. According to the lawsuit, the RV's "KeyTV" system was touted as compatible with all Dish Network devices. Spoiler alert: it's not. Keystone eventually admitted this, but not before the couple wasted time and energy trying to make it work.

The Legal Drama Unfolds

The suit alleges violations of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act and the Virginia Consumer Protection Act. The Burns are claiming the defendants failed to honor the warranty and have engaged in deceptive practices. Among the demands are damages in the amount of the RV's purchase price, trebled for willful violation of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act, along with court costs and attorney's fees. Yes, they are demanding a trial by jury, as well they should.

A Saga of Repair Attempts

Repair attempts seem to form the backbone of this unfortunate tale. The Burns repeatedly took the RV back to Camping World for fixes, each time discovering new issues or finding the old ones unaddressed. At one point, Camping World even informed the couple that their Dish Network cable box wasn't compatible with the KeyTV feature. This was, of course, after Keystone RV had explicitly advertised otherwise.

In the Courtroom, but not on the Open Road

The saga of the Burns family and their ill-fated Keystone Cougar might make for entertaining reality TV, but it serves as a cautionary tale for consumers entrusting tens of thousands of dollars to corporations that promise—but fail to deliver—the dream of travel and adventure.

A demand for a trial by jury suggests this couple isn't just looking for repairs or refunds; they're looking for justice.

The question remains: Will the courtroom deliver the peace of mind that the open road could not?

For ongoing coverage of this lawsuit, keep following Breaking Through News. We will update you when Camping World files their response to this lawsuit.

Note: The details of this case are based on the complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia and do not represent a statement of fact or judgment of guilt or innocence.


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